Thursday, December 29, 2005
Increased Cervical Mucus 2 Days Before Period
This time I make sure my reply.
You were the first to make Cosasco how are you.
feel I've done really bad
and I guess I made you feel the same.
not give me time to go
the maze of your vanity. Almost
get along like a necessity.
At the exact moment you on purpose abris
not want to go and when I open I
you behave horrible.
Que sera, which will be
what God has for me, for you, for both the sky
our part.
is so obvious that you like to be served.
is so incredibly sharp your skills. That
you take her to be the soul of the fuestas
must be the search for affection.
Now let me tell you I'm in that field I can give.
But first you should know that if I attack
hurt me was so
what happened to us and yet we're here
poniendos claims to the test.
Que sera, which will be
what God has for me, for you, for both the sky
our part.
And last night I do not do it
evil has stirred in me
We relax from now on
otherwise I can not live.
I promise you that I hear more
ensures that you criticize me
tratemosnos better
is what I recommend.
Que sera, which will be
what God has for me, for you, for the two
the sky belongs to us.
Friday, December 23, 2005
Sap Gloves Self Defense Phpbb
Hello everyone (those from switching) is not a normal entry, took a long time without updating for various reasons, whether they've been without computer or internet, or many jobs ... and when I have time because I can and also vagueza I do not know to tell. Basically
Christmas came to congratulate you, I hope everyone you meet and you pass it a magical day with family and / or with those who most want.
I'll tell you;)
¡¡¡¡¡ Happy Christmas!! Haber
Sunday, November 6, 2005
Rubber Bathtub Mat Without Suction Cups
if I can finally post something, and be sure the new option of LJ because in the normal way is the browser I, which is why I could not update until now.
How about Halloween? I spent the PUMP, we had a party with some friends, all dressed up and was great. Guess you got dressed? ... Right? ... Nobody? ... ah! already knew yes I would know. I would put pictures but will not be because I'm embarrassed.
What's new? I made an earring in the nose, fijate, many years that it does not, and last week gave me and already venazo 8. I hope not to start with the armadillos, because I know one or two did not settle.
I have wanted to buy some books, but I have no time, and that makes me angry because I need to read something!. What I do lately is get out some books or episodes of one that I find it interesting to see if I like. But I need to have it printed by hand. I have the Shadow of the Wind (also comes the DaVinci Code, The Dante Club, the home lost .. among others), The Princess Bride that I'm enjoying it and possibly get my hands and I think that's all. But I have a nice reading materials from the era, of which let you silly and do not stop reading them: suggestions allowed:
Well I have to pick the room so I'll see you soon. ;)
Many magic, peace and love.
I: well
Friday, October 14, 2005
Lawyer Market Saturated
Yes, I admit, I update because I get bored. Today is a day roll.
I have had just two classes because my colleagues were "Thursday party" (to understand) and have not appeared, except one that ha enlazado un día con otro. Así que he terminado 'aburriendome' y me he venido a casa, lo que mas me joroba son las faltas, porque no hay que andarse con tonterias, que faltas y la liaste. Yo también iba a haber salido, pero entre la lluvia y el cansancio pues na de na.
Me estoy gastando un pastón, o esa es la sensación que se me queda cuando me sueltan la lista de materiales que tengo que llevar y la cantidad de cosas por comprar; es un módulo carísimo. Pero tampoco puedo trabajar en algo porque por lo visto vamos a tener muchismos proyectos que hacer y al fin y al cabo lo primero es lo primero. A parte y casi para rematar la faena ... me tengo que comprar un ordenador (lease portátil), porque a pesar de que mine is 5 years old (or 6) and runs + or - well, I have been outdated for classes. I have to use PhotoShop CS and is not intended for Windows 98, among other things. Yesterday I download the Internet Explorer 6 and since then has been one of the best things I've done, is' a new world. " I see many improvements. I said if you have any suggestions ...
Moving on ... Style and is ready! my god, after giving the reset a few times I saw the error and you are, if anyone is interested I ate the ':' from http / / ¬ ¬
By the way, look at the Dibu that made me LANANA in his journal: duende
Do you know of any challenge of icons? by fi I need. Jo
I overcame every day in supertontas entries. But my moods do not give consistent tickets now. I'm going to have a stroll. Happy weekend everyone;) and cuidadin what we do eh? : P
Before I forget, congratulations to tasqueta because I read in the journal of Lux that today is his birthday, so a ton of happiness and a good time. Many
magic, peace and love
I: Enraged? o_0
Monday, October 3, 2005
Camry How To Refill Windshield Wiper Fluid
My mother, my sister and my brother until 5 years have seen the eclipse. I, who had long been waiting for and I have not seen!! Just yesterday I had to have remembered the crystallite, but I forgot. :: Buahhh:: Now I just have to wait 20 more years, God when you have 40 years! BLR # df @ dh = rage. I've always loved these things, I see them as magical and special ... I just have a picture made by my sister on the phone that is precious. On the other hand I can not complain of the day.
Today I started the cycle and cool. This week will not do anything really know the art school, teachers, subjects ... and people, the best, nicest, I finally finished talking to many. We are 21 but we have some classes divided in half and I love being so few, it's like more than colleagues. To one he knew last year and another group of friends. The class was boring: not missing, you have to deliver work on time, carrying materials, programs that use ... And this afternoon I have to buy a USB data! to illuminate. Basically give English translations of texts and vocabulary of computer science. The subjects that I have are:
- Techniques of graphic expression, culture and contemporary society, Theory of the advertising image, audio-visual language, typography; Photography, computer technology industrial computer media, GP Projects, training and guidance and English.
Thursdays and sometimes have parties there are all in code, a disco-pub in Talavera. Almost everyone is a "little" freaky, some kind "Peace and Love" mixed with "I love Jamaica" know what I mean ... Oh I do not know, I feel great, happy.
On Saturday I bought two glasses to see, beautiful, one purple and one blue (with the air below) but I feel very strange to them. Only I have to use when reading or when I'm on the computer so it does not get tired of hearing me because I have very little astismatismo (gets it?) But I stick a buzz when I wear ... and supposedly well-graded. I'll have to get used to. Returning
VR meme memo the other day that I'll put it in the next post, when I hope to god that is fixed the issue I have with the style. If anyone can help me I am free to any favor. Is not I see the header and I have done the same as the previous style, I changed many things to see what can be wrong and I can not find out. Please help me solve laifchurneos geniuses.
And many thanks to all you left a comment;) make me hope.
Many magic, peace and love
I: flirt with my glasses chin-chin
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Letter Of Request For Community Service
I really do not know why "upgrade" because I have never something interesting to say and neither do new icons. I feel out of place in the journal, all talk about fandoms (I do not read it) new series (I can not download any more because it takes 1 year ...) and stuff. So no wonder it is so boring. I want to change your style but I have no photos (repro-media will not let me and I've tried many times you know I have to do?).
classes I left Toledo because he was beaten up at 6 am and return at 5 pm. Instead, I was lucky and still had space to make a MGS school of art on Advertising Graphics and start tomorrow, have such.
fairs have been very good, I ended up really tired but I can not complain. They are the best shows you may have.
And to entertain some of this go with a new meme.
Each person who makes a comment you need to make a personal question I should answer and / or anything you please to teach you (can be in photos or whatever you want, but I'm not included).
I'll get some pictures to make a new style, if possible. Many
magic, peace and love.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Steroid To Treat Pleurisy
I'm tired here. The parties have been even, but declined the weekend. I feel bad, I have the stomach costipada disgusting and I am, I slept very little this week so I have to get some rest. But (and even do not feel like) are Talavera fairs and must be well XD. He did a cold rain seeped and Friday, have if anything improved. As the fair is on 21, here you can see something if you are interested cerquita and I are great. Even on weekdays will not be much because the 19 is likely to start a course in Web Design and Multimedia .... Toledo!. That beat getting up at 7 every day to go to Toledo, I have friends there who are studying or going to do it this year I do not think you can get them there. A part that I could not move, go, if I lose, even smaller than Talavera not remember the streets. But I want, and change a little.
Indeed I have new tenants in the house, I finally bought two hamsters mu room, a white and a grayish brown. The store tells me they are a couple, but knowing. He gave me a venazo and I bought them, of course when my mother saw as anger, that did not want at home, but at the end until he has named the male, Joey. She called Chloe. o_0 I did some pictures but as it moves so blurry, but one, but I am so vague that I do not feel like uploading. Well I do
a call and sleep. Many
magic, peace and love.
I: tired
Monday, September 5, 2005
University Of Chicago Leo Strauss Milton Friedman
Today is one of those days in which sadness and joy invade you. Mixed feelings, good and bad cross your thoughts and your body. Then that feeling keeps you in a constant Baives, you stop and really do not know what to feel. A few days ago he made 5 years of this feeling, my brother was born and within a week my grandmother died. After his funeral we went to the hospital to pick up my brother and bring him home. The pain of losing an important person in my life as a mother, and the excitement of having a new brother was mixed so that you mentally awry. My grandmother never saw her grandson.
Today has happened again, thank god as far as it goes, not in the same manner and importance, but I have a strange feeling. My grandmother died today at 10:30, I have called the institute for him to do another test, my moods and thoughts were not for this, but I did. In the end I passed all around. And can you believe it's a bit silly, but it was very important, I was hard but I succeeded. And after that, and as the funeral is next to the school I went to say goodbye to her. Everything was very quiet, we knew we had to go because I had a week in which his little body endured, I could not eat or drink.
My great-grandmother's name was Victoria and has known for a century, the evolution of a country and a life of sacrifice, but always a joy and a zest for life that was envy. Can claim to have died at 102 years and have lived with no health problems until a week ago. I was a fan of crochet and novels and an incredibly loved by all the people, the end of the day was "the grandmother of people." Many will miss his stories. Now only the memory of what he told us and be proud for having taken so many years.
May God protect you and take care. Many
magic, peace and love.
I'm: sad and pensive
Friday, September 2, 2005
What Size Yakimamighty Mounts
Hi! I finished exams. Prefer not to say anything yet. Took several days without doing anything around here (minus a momentin I saw the news
Today I'm moody, I have felt like going to buy (of course I have no na na, I have to pay over the money from the rock for the holidays) but I want a colony (have if the game) and a couple of shirts. I have to prepare the clothing for this weekend and I have even half because I know he had, anyway will come down to Talavera morning and if I do not stay today.
Last weekend I was with two friends talking about Lost, because I love but I could see many chapters and is very interesting, as one leaves me, which they have been passed down and dvd. : P And I think until Monday or so I will write more if this post really is a *****. m But ... I'm bored. Well I will see what Rodrigo Leal, there is such. I edit it myself to put something clever (I'm hearing that laughter ¬ ¬).
5 days for the holidays Many
magic, peace and love.
I: flirty
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Gallbladder Polyp-painful
Yes! that it finally got put another way, thanks to
styles I prefer S2 because you really have more choices, although a bit complicated. I liked the style of "3columnas", as it has a new design I'll see if I can transform, but when I touch the buttons transformed cells.
I do not know if anyone saw a post that started a few days ago, deleted it because it was unnecessary.
God I can not over the holidays arrive! This Saturday I'm going to trial they do in Talavera, has to be right, I will put some pictures (This time it because I have been compelled to carry the camera.)
PD: I'm still looking for host, if anyone knows where I can buy it please contact me.
PS: Does anyone know how I can change what "comments"?
yaaa I'm going to study. A lot of magic, peace and love.
I: juergista
Saturday, August 6, 2005
Emachinesrecovery Disk Device Not Ready
I come to update, I have not done before because it was going to say a few days ago I've forgotten ¬ ¬ I always feel the same: '(But hey, signs of life here. If I had caught this journal a few years ago would be "full" of tickets. This week has not really been very good.
On Wednesday I went to Madrid for the first time by car. Yes folks, I was driving. Conclusion: I do not like.
I'm going with David around 9:30 in the morning, we left Talavera well, my nerves normal ... (Last year did not go into highway and there were only Minutillo in driving school) knew he would get very nervous because I never for the things to do, after a while I controlled it. We thought of going to Alcampo but Xanadu was before so we stayed there. Thousand and One laps later I saw that there was nothing to spend. Almost all very expensive way to buy to buy. There is a shop that I love, is about items around a bit (key rings, watches, books, shirts, mugs, cushions, fairies, dragons ...). Most arrive by 3:00 pm and we go to eat Alcampo, we set off and we see no deviation! apparently changed the road so ... ¬ ¬ did not lose and I think "mother of mine in which I have entered" at the end we went for a toll road and we paid o_0 stopped to refuel at a gas station that I had very little gasoline (yes, my car ¬ ¬ gasoline mother) but there is not that we take, we asked in what direction we are (or knew that) and where it came to Alcampo. I was right where I said at first: '(and finally arrived. We ate at 4-something, there I saw a piece posters and postcards from Charmed and Smallville ... I would like my room already, but the price made me resist.
At 8 had to be in Talavera, was 7:22 am and we were still there in a hurry (but not run down the highway!) We see that all service stations had no super and the marker down, an hour later The trip ended thank god. We thought about going to
Aquopolis, the zoo or amusement park. But I do not know if I will be looking forward. How not to go with friends ...
Yesterday I went to see The Weedkend but was not in the lineup, so we decided to Guess Who. I knew that is one of those movies you choose to hang out and if you can laugh so much the better. And I was right. Aston Kutcher is fine (thank you that is cut short hair and do not choose scripts as stupid as "Dude, where's my car? Because look how stupid the movie.) Although there is nothing really worth the billboard penalty for 5 euros. I recommend it if you have no expectations. What I liked was the music, but the actors do very well and you laugh and such but it is from these that when you enter you know how they end. already
I would teach my tale, but I have new pictures because the flash does not look too good, but like me because I get bored others are not that look better, but it does not matter. New gift
(missing earrings, but they are equal, from which hang)
Stock outstanding for the belly
bags Stock It looks very bad because I had no flash and I had to give birth to psp.
After this post I do not know that annoyed me is boring little things I'll do anything interesting in my boring summer.
PD: I'm still looking for a host to buy, if you know something ... please tell me from somewhere. Thanks. Many
magic, peace and love.
I: tired
Friday, July 29, 2005
Second Hand Snowboard Gear Edinburgh
I've become obsessed with the icons ¬ ¬ here's the proof:
01. 02.
05. 06.
09. 10.
13. 14.
Celebrities / miscellaneous
17. 18.
21. 22.
fairy photos I have found online, there really are some incredible artists either fixed or digitally. All bases are mine except 3, 6, 7 and 11. Find out more ...
look here
As far as dealing with I will not comment further, pictures of my next update, which is the same thing tonight;)
Many magic, peace and love.
I: 0_o artistic
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Tailored Shirts Edmonton
Updated quick, because I have all afternoon between the new web design and Kate and I have to go to the pool now. In the next post that I put the pictures of the fairies, that if I have to liarme to look for and no more time. Apart from some icons I have done more.
10 things about my
1. I share room with my sister.
2. I've never traveled abroad.
3. I have phobia of snakes
4. Believe it or not I do not like pink a lot.
5. I have a horse, but I want a hamster! (And my mother not let me)
6. I'm not tidy.
7. Clothes are my biggest vice material.
8. David is my most emotional defect.
9. I have a tattoo of hits = _0
obsession 10.Mi A SEAT IBIZA!!
A greeting. Many
magic, peace and love.
Friday, July 1, 2005
Replacement Leather Seat Cushions
Viva summer vacation living and do not "Nothing", but sometimes there comes a point where you think that boredom kills. Yesterday just read The Pillars of the Earth hooked me a lot, but ended up being crazy, even dreamed of it, but makes sense because I woke up, I would read, eating (one day) and again to read ... is too looooong and descriptive, but I do not regret having read it. So look for a new book has any recommendation? Well
to encourage more this update and as I said sooooo many times I will put some pictures of the gifts that I have done for my birthday:
- The towel, disc and money they gave me my brothers and my mother.
- The fairy lamp is beautiful, but too bad it does not look good for the flash lights, perhaps veais something. That and the game is like sims but gave me space ... well my boy.
- The pendant to the navel some friends and I still have another that I have left. My uncles and grandparents gave me money. I wonder to what birthday girl will do it because you give gifts, grow and prefer the money because they know they give you and then ... as the joys, hehe.
was going to have more things but now I have to think what I do this afternoon and the weekend, sure I'll go to the people, py find some pictures to make a new style;)
Many magic, peace and love.
I: I feel good ...
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Hdd Recorder Transfer Another Drive
How long! Do not think that I have not written, the truth is that I've done it three times and I think my best tickets but I have a spy in the computer and when I was writing the entry I get the ads and I deleted everything: '(Let's see if it something comes out.
About my life ... well I finished school and now I have to look for work, I have no idea where to start and what to do, but it is law of life. On Sunday 20 years old now, mother, I can hardly think of this age because I was very fast time passes and as I do not enjoy. This past year has been very weird for me, like wanting to experience things very quickly, wanting to do everything and somehow there are things that I have achieved. I left my part Cyber Freaky aside and I've done more living things. I do not know what I'm writing, in short, that plan is not for someone who gets bored in the journal.
Siiigo trying to buy a domain and host, I've seen a company that is not bad, but nothing compared to hasweb, that he will.
This Saturday I'll go to Madrid and in the evening my uncle celebrated second anniversary of the brewery in town, so I'll be there for a while and do not know if I'll go by Talavera to go to Havana, is like a big summer discoterraza is great and brings me good memories of last summer, but now Natural called [I have to take pictures] but we few, because some go to the Radical * gauge * no attention and I'll also birthday of a friend of mine and I guess, although I'm not in favor of making bottle I do not want a birthday party as if it had 5 years. We shall see.
I know I promised to take pictures of the fairs, but had a small bag and I could not bring the camera, but I will promise that someday many.
Well today I leave because I am not very inspired
PS: Does anyone know how to put background in the journal? Many
magic, peace and love.
'm: Bored