I really do not know why "upgrade" because I have never something interesting to say and neither do new icons. I feel out of place in the journal, all talk about fandoms (I do not read it) new series (I can not download any more because it takes 1 year ...) and stuff. So no wonder it is so boring. I want to change your style but I have no photos (repro-media will not let me and I've tried many times you know I have to do?).
classes I left Toledo because he was beaten up at 6 am and return at 5 pm. Instead, I was lucky and still had space to make a MGS school of art on Advertising Graphics and start tomorrow, have such.
fairs have been very good, I ended up really tired but I can not complain. They are the best shows you may have.
And to entertain some of this go with a new meme.
Each person who makes a comment you need to make a personal question I should answer and / or anything you please to teach you (can be in photos or whatever you want, but I'm not included).
I'll get some pictures to make a new style, if possible. Many
magic, peace and love.