Twice a year, I brazenly misinterpret the immortal song of the great Pink Floyd. La-la-la! I survived another semester, evaluation set, the documentation put, holiday tacos, fajitas and empanadas eaten. ... "Chickens in Kentucky were the most delicious, but I did not have, understand why. But enough for a sandwich with cucumbers, spinach and pale turkey for a healthy bread, is also understandable why. Sometimes in the quest for health and beauty, Venezuela, Colombia is worse.
Last day of term - "small talk»:
- Vicki, you heard that the World Cup will be in Russia? Are you glad?
- What is sudden?
- Did not Ukraine ...
- Get a deuce!
- Vicky I want to give you these glasses *. I deliberately chose them because they are made in Poland! Are you glad?
- What is sudden?
- Did not Ukraine ...
- Get a deuce!
(boring teacher's voice)
- you have to repeat a course a second, third, and fourth time, until you learn that the Ukraine - not Russia and Poland, will not learn Ukraine on the world map and correctly pronounce the "fat" and "gorilka» .**
- pff! Scared! We have only this and look forward to!
And only in the clear eyes of the Baltic student from Latvia were read understanding ...
last day of term - is a riddle.
Do you remember the brightest minds of friends, as reported by trying to decipher Honduran writing ? Sweet girl Dulce kindly rewrote this masterpiece: "It was a complete disaster, but the desire and good will of the people made our country stronger to start a new life again".
I continue productive morning exercises for the mind. Do you agree that education - the process of mutual, and the errors of students in English can learn a lot of English? So, senores and senoras, work out in the "tradukshen in espanish or ... Inglish»:
wanted beings
continue forward
great human heat
return to speak
you have reason
lose the test
last day of term - this is the last chance to demonstrate writing skills. But the number of clauses in complex sentences compared with their compatriots, Marquez has not yet been able to no one, even though many have tried.
But then he thought about the loneliness that lives in this country and how difficult it had been for the change of culture and their way of life, that his brother came to this country and thought he was better in the city where he could be with their wanted beings and not suffer the loneliness you feel when you go out of their country.
(Is not it great-great-grandson of Colonel Aureliano in anticipation of a verdict before the Consular booth in Bogota? Ugh, these consuls will drive me crazy, just an obsession for some!).
And, of course, the last in this year's portion perDlov.
I remember that my parents were adorable, but they could be better especially in discipline.
(Future psychologist from childhood hip in the correct upbringing ... parents!)
I felt sad because I left my family and fried.
My mother-in-law is great. She taught me cook my son
(uncomprehending razvozhu hands. Latina - not cannibals, and family values they are very strong.)
It's not easy to live in this country. It will be easy for people from Europe.
(Guys, where were you when illegal depressing of professor Matorrales draila floors in the homes of "rich American females?)
To improve your English, you have to speak outside.
(Well, yes, braces, especially if you come from the tropics, and on the street -14!)
I had a lot of responsibilities like climbing the living room.
(ahem ... even with Brother we had not guessed, though the pro We say "real children", while a second was added with a sigh, "very lively children." And we only played parachutists - jumped from the table in the tarpaulin boots and with umbrellas in their hands!)
And a little more:
He told me about his wet adventures.
Our childhood was very happy - we couldn't have electricity, cable, even TV was limited.
I had to sweet the floor every day.
My sister is berry friendly.
's all for today! Have a nice day!
** pronunciation of the word "gorilka for Japanese women that gave polish glasses, painful hara-kiri because the Japanese instead of" p "is pronounced" l "and vice versa. I wonder if they outfit Ralph Lauren?)))
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