Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Ohio Drivers License Has Expired

: 3 Happy Birthday Ringo

post in but I'm flojerita failbook also I'm taking a break to write this xD

Wn, really wish you well in this Diaye the asdf; w, have fun and all, do not know how much I love [although sometimes be more shota ashotao the world ( ?)] and like you, say I'm the crack is not true, you're the great, always cheer me when I get the talde and I endured many crap ... but that makes the good memories, right?

There are so many things that I remember when I get straw continue studying ... the fest last year, cosplay, epic ride in the center the intense marakeos msn and phone, many things, if I write them all never finish. By the way, you still owe the juice of July, tell me when you're in and we got together poh Conce. Joke seems fair that we've met on December 27, the day Kagamine ... ~
shota I already had for my things oh, you're getting close to the 3rd age. By the way, I never thought that our friendship withstood so much, but I've seen how you've grown the little time we know, and I am glad to think that perhaps it has a minimal influence, I do not know how ^ ^ glad

However fag / Ghei this sounds, I love wn, indeed, are one of my best friends, my first Rhine and the most brilliant, well you're my burning swath vocaloid.

I hope and know we will be friends forever ... argh, I got Ghei! D \u0026lt;


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