About CCC - 2
bus station in the Croatian resort town, 10 am, unfinished coffee, smoked a cigarette. From the nearby platform to push off the bus kusturichnye psychedelic Vinkovci, and I, Queen of cattle cemetery and matorrales with annoyance think that I have there, but not in decency, sleek Ljubljana. Why should I go to the capital of Slovenia? Only because in this city once wanted to get my dad, and there is a direct flight to Kiev, and from Zagreb, no? Still, I am going according bought for 20 euro ticket. Dastardly creation rigged so that the Ljubljana fascinated me, and then laughed for a long time, when the hit parade of favorite cities in the world, I put it on honorable third place after Chicago and Medellin. Then the Croat-Slovene long journey is over, but what prevents embark on a virtual ethnographic Balkan tour, which aims - familiarity with Homo balkanius, adequate and not very much. Let's go!
I begin banal. Zoran manic loved all the girls from the former USSR, except for your humble servant. But periodically he compliments and gifts to me: "Victoria, you're a good girl, but not very bolshii intellekt. And all because I did not appreciate his innovative method enrichment of vocabulary. Others are inspired him to poetry and culinary masterpieces. Ukrainka He dedicated the poem "Lena, Lena, pussy foot, and Belarusian suggested" drink tea in srpski. What is it, I will not write because it's disgusting, but I can children to read and Baptists. After the failed tea ceremony, a good half of the Zocalo hath friends and acquaintances, and because of an obstruction, it is nothing no choice but to learn to be a masseuse. Now he wears a purple jacket, goes in a white limousine and still tries unsuccessfully to seduce girls from other Soviet republics and to receive "cookies, jam, communication."
In the gym I met a beautiful Serbian - Pestsovaya coat to toe красные кроссовки «Пума», когда-то роковые очи подведены чёрным, тяжёлые светло-русые волосы уложены в причёску «зав. Белградского гороно». «Я на пенсии, муж died, and I'm absolutely nothing to do. Just go to Zumbo and workout 6 days a week, but to make such a waist, as I want, still does not work. Sometimes going with my friends, go to a restaurant, dancing, drinking wine ... At Christmas, I'll go to California, and in summer the familiar name for Burma and Nepal, but I'm more eager to Moscow. I can not imagine what to do with so much free time! When you register at the school? We ought to be inscribed in English, but I can not speak, and grammar do not know. And computer courses do not interfere. But you did not understand! You're still young! »
first day of the semester. Teacher conducts orientation and in the end asks questions. Serbian Student: "You are so fat. Tell me, how much do you weigh? »
about" Sexy dzhenitora "which always comes another once I have already written in the first Part . But I was silent about the fact that in our house is a boiler room, who run the repair works Croat mini-mafia christened briefly and clearly: "base". The base was not the only reason our almost ancient buildings. It contains strategic reserves of cheap swill Croatian "Kaštelet 'favorite Eastern Europeans Heineken beer, the Yugoslav Balykov in red and white boxes, and decorated her sagging sofa. Croats, strong-willed ears definitely knew a good judge of bad wine, mediocre beer, steadfastly meat and unambiguous hint.
Lyrical digression number 1.
known to fishermen brag sized allegedly caught fish, the waiters - the amount allegedly received a tip, and the Croatian dzhenitory - the amount allegedly seduced lodger at home. Female the floor was a most personal: Sdobnaya Mexican Mary, whose heart was busy janitor Jadranko. How it thrilled every time, seeing as he crawl mop on the windows ... Two Greek God - old daughter, and even more elderly mother, 90-year-old grandmother, who, according to Ratomira, "to the grandfather, neurasthenic dancer Sandra a black babe Nicole - a single mother with three children from three different fathers, and your humble servant. You know who won the high honor to be invited "To drink" in the boiler room with a flowing acrobatic tricks on the couch eaten bugs?
... Yugoslav saw me at the other end of the quarter and Rushed right through the flower beds. I thought that we have again complained to a neighbor below, "poltergeist" from Honduras that we have too much walking, but it was much worse.
- Vicki, I think that's all ... Your mom was here a year. And that ... no Skem? Could not find the boyfriend?
- And she was not looking, and from the lack of sex yet no one died!
- That you always know what to say. I am confident that with you in bed and not boring. How are you love more?
- Keep up the good work! And I call your boss, and he'll sealed doggy style for harassment ... Or what do you love more?
- Well, you're a European, a man ... "Vegetable" Sandra, I would have never suggested anything like that!
I think the story should be called XXX instead of KKK ... But back to the cave with the treasure. Spare key was at my Brother as he can with equal ease ingratiate themselves to politicians, homeless people, the oligarchs, criminals, homosexuals, bohemians and Pakistan, not to mention the Croatian cousins. Ratomir and a mini-mafia in the face of plumbing Mr. Woods, an electrician Mladen, cleaner Jadranko and nationalist Franjo knew Slavic wisdom: "How much booze do not buy it, still not enough ' That's why they gave Brother golden key to the case when, during the fiesta we have run out of drinks and food, and shops are already closed. The only condition - We had to restock by Monday, when after a short and easy to work day, the brothers-Slavs were going to miss a glass "Kaštelet and gossip on your hard language.
Then Mladen went on vacation on the beautiful island of Cres, and Ratomir on the next at least a beautiful island Krk.
Lyrical digression number 2.
June 2009. Tour bus returns to the Plitvice Lakes . Guide says: "On the left - the greenest in Croatia Krk Island "and shows a hand on ... absolutely bare rocks!
... Plumber Mr Val stayed on the farm and hung at the bottom of the ad with a request to call him "Mr Valerio. The case has provided very soon - tile in the bathroom as the stars poured into the southern night. "Zys of music imerdzhensi!" (Nothing urgent) - said how to cut Mr. Valerio.
- I'll come when I have time! You live in a apartment? Oh, so you're the nice Ukrainian girl? Then tomorrow I'll do anything!
He was heavily drinking, how many plumbers, and good, as many drinkers ...
Continued Balkan tour follows. Then at the rate - Bosnia, Bulgaria and Romania.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Watch On Line Peliculas
us - millions. We came here to "Maisky flower" and tried to swim on the Titanic, flew different airlines, crossed the desert of Arizona, broke through the Canadian border in the bale with the goods, have won the lottery, have been invited, as outstanding professionals have found my love. We came on tour and stayed for the longest and unpredictable "tour" in life. We have repeatedly otfutbolili impervious immigration officers, and we came up with unbelievable legend. We mine, build, swifts lawns, serve omelets, teach English in the same group with the same adventurers, translation of the diploma, are opening shops and restaurants are building churches, we want so that our children will not forget their roots and native language. Being skeptics, we believe rumors of amnesty and immigration reform. We treat, protect their own kind in court, become homeless, Buddhists and governors. After a 14-hour working day, in a poorly heated apartment, we read Kafka for skinny the blanket, purchased at a garage sale. The saved pennies, we're going to watch ballet. A week before the immigration court go a thousand miles to see Niagara waterfalls, because suddenly deported, and this possibility has never will be. We organize banquets over the purchase of new aircraft. Sometimes we love this country, and sometimes wonder "what am I doing here?" We are calling and ambition, but naively believe in the dream. We get up before dawn and begin the thousandth time ... not from scratch, from minus ... We - the strongest and survivors estesstvenno selection. Congratulations, dear immigrants, because this is our holiday!
us - millions. We came here to "Maisky flower" and tried to swim on the Titanic, flew different airlines, crossed the desert of Arizona, broke through the Canadian border in the bale with the goods, have won the lottery, have been invited, as outstanding professionals have found my love. We came on tour and stayed for the longest and unpredictable "tour" in life. We have repeatedly otfutbolili impervious immigration officers, and we came up with unbelievable legend. We mine, build, swifts lawns, serve omelets, teach English in the same group with the same adventurers, translation of the diploma, are opening shops and restaurants are building churches, we want so that our children will not forget their roots and native language. Being skeptics, we believe rumors of amnesty and immigration reform. We treat, protect their own kind in court, become homeless, Buddhists and governors. After a 14-hour working day, in a poorly heated apartment, we read Kafka for skinny the blanket, purchased at a garage sale. The saved pennies, we're going to watch ballet. A week before the immigration court go a thousand miles to see Niagara waterfalls, because suddenly deported, and this possibility has never will be. We organize banquets over the purchase of new aircraft. Sometimes we love this country, and sometimes wonder "what am I doing here?" We are calling and ambition, but naively believe in the dream. We get up before dawn and begin the thousandth time ... not from scratch, from minus ... We - the strongest and survivors estesstvenno selection. Congratulations, dear immigrants, because this is our holiday!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Travestì En France
And I did not pass this cup ...
ayuthaya handed me the baton.
1) A list of 5 things that you can see, without getting up from his desk
Fan, Mexican rug, rubber boots, goggles for swimming (They recently loves to hunt durkiska), English-English dictionary.
2) How are you her hair?
hum ... hum ... sometimes I forget about it at all, and my Egyptian I spread rot colleague: "When you're already sakrana-sharmuta, you will become a real lady?!»
3) What you are wearing?
I knew that I would answer this question. Therefore, alongside in black and pink bicycle shorts, a pink shirt with ruffles and ceremonial spanking.
4) What do you do for a living?
Shoyu reasonable, good, eternal, but reap hilenkie fruit.
5) is your greatest achievement in life so far?
learned to go to bed no later than 23:00.
6) Who do you hug last?
not sure. A kisonku can and should be!
7) your current hobbies, hobby? Download
muscle and spend money for a healthy balanced diet ("I will go again today!"). Да-да-да, я становлюсь тем, кого раньше ненавидела!
8) Что вы съели последним перед заполнением этого опросника?
Читайте, завидуйте! Кукурузные чипсы с острой salsa, two enchiladas with chicken, rice, a handful of silos, which the Mexicans call a salad, margarita and a stack of free coffee liqueur from the owner of the establishment. Because I "Teacher", and all Mexican institutions give me "free Drinks."
9) Contents of the last received SMS-ki.
I never get smsok, I and no cell phone ...
10) Which sites do you always visit?
LJ, youtube, and in a fit of masochism - a forum for Russian Americans.
11) The last thing you purchased?
Two pairs bogEmnyh points.
12) What are you listening?
ChocQuibTown "De donde vengo yo" ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMS4J6Gp6e4 ) Cheverie!
13) What do you think the evening before going to bed? Should
to think about male beauty Bosnian dzhenitora, but I think that once I'm gone ...
14) The last CD, which you bought.
Blessed decided to play in Domostroy and forbade me to buy CD!))), because he - the genius of the Internet search! But I did not listen and bogotinskom airport bought 20 gold Kumba and the collection Colombian hits.
15) What are you currently reading or re-read?
This is the third month of trying to read, as we all know Liz eats, prays and loves (already eaten). The sixth month I spend in the company of Mexican women with big eyes (Angeles Mastretta, "Mujeres de ojos grandes"). But time is only enough for a book of all time: Advanced Grammar in Context.
16) If you could play any musical instrument, what would you choose?
I'm faithful played at all imaginable and unimaginable instruments, and more sings. Enough of the family and the talent!
17) What is your overall health?
briskly snapped joints, corrected false teeth - normalek!
18) What would you now wanted someone to say?
I want to tell the boss: "Rejoice, I won megamillion and fire." I want to say the owner of the house: "Rejoice, I won megamillion and slid into his own mansion. And if the first is unlikely to happen, the second, I hope, quite realistically and without megamilliona.
19) Tell us something about osalivshego you.
I can open my virtual crate, which is chock-full of laudatory adjectives and nouns. I can not remember the lessons of astronomy and write that Ira - sun, moon and stars. But you are far more usefully spend the time, if you read her journal!
20) Osalte the next five.
word osalte " to me is associated with fat. And so the in pyatёrke - beautiful Ukrainian girls
emmigranntka ,
lugovaya_arfa , beautiful Ukrainian boys
ardenis and
spirius and ...
Gatika :)
(yes, I discriminate on the basis of nationality, and sho is ?))))
1) A list of 5 things that you can see, without getting up from his desk
Fan, Mexican rug, rubber boots, goggles for swimming (They recently loves to hunt durkiska), English-English dictionary.
2) How are you her hair?
hum ... hum ... sometimes I forget about it at all, and my Egyptian I spread rot colleague: "When you're already sakrana-sharmuta, you will become a real lady?!»
3) What you are wearing?
I knew that I would answer this question. Therefore, alongside in black and pink bicycle shorts, a pink shirt with ruffles and ceremonial spanking.
4) What do you do for a living?
Shoyu reasonable, good, eternal, but reap hilenkie fruit.
5) is your greatest achievement in life so far?
learned to go to bed no later than 23:00.
6) Who do you hug last?
not sure. A kisonku can and should be!
7) your current hobbies, hobby? Download
muscle and spend money for a healthy balanced diet ("I will go again today!"). Да-да-да, я становлюсь тем, кого раньше ненавидела!
8) Что вы съели последним перед заполнением этого опросника?
Читайте, завидуйте! Кукурузные чипсы с острой salsa, two enchiladas with chicken, rice, a handful of silos, which the Mexicans call a salad, margarita and a stack of free coffee liqueur from the owner of the establishment. Because I "Teacher", and all Mexican institutions give me "free Drinks."
9) Contents of the last received SMS-ki.
I never get smsok, I and no cell phone ...
10) Which sites do you always visit?
LJ, youtube, and in a fit of masochism - a forum for Russian Americans.
11) The last thing you purchased?
Two pairs bogEmnyh points.
12) What are you listening?
ChocQuibTown "De donde vengo yo" ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMS4J6Gp6e4 ) Cheverie!
13) What do you think the evening before going to bed? Should
to think about male beauty Bosnian dzhenitora, but I think that once I'm gone ...
14) The last CD, which you bought.
Blessed decided to play in Domostroy and forbade me to buy CD!))), because he - the genius of the Internet search! But I did not listen and bogotinskom airport bought 20 gold Kumba and the collection Colombian hits.
15) What are you currently reading or re-read?
This is the third month of trying to read, as we all know Liz eats, prays and loves (already eaten). The sixth month I spend in the company of Mexican women with big eyes (Angeles Mastretta, "Mujeres de ojos grandes"). But time is only enough for a book of all time: Advanced Grammar in Context.
16) If you could play any musical instrument, what would you choose?
I'm faithful played at all imaginable and unimaginable instruments, and more sings. Enough of the family and the talent!
17) What is your overall health?
briskly snapped joints, corrected false teeth - normalek!
18) What would you now wanted someone to say?
I want to tell the boss: "Rejoice, I won megamillion and fire." I want to say the owner of the house: "Rejoice, I won megamillion and slid into his own mansion. And if the first is unlikely to happen, the second, I hope, quite realistically and without megamilliona.
19) Tell us something about osalivshego you.
I can open my virtual crate, which is chock-full of laudatory adjectives and nouns. I can not remember the lessons of astronomy and write that Ira - sun, moon and stars. But you are far more usefully spend the time, if you read her journal!
20) Osalte the next five.
word osalte " to me is associated with fat. And so the in pyatёrke - beautiful Ukrainian girls
(yes, I discriminate on the basis of nationality, and sho is ?))))
Sunday, November 21, 2010
How Much Does A Cataract Operation Cost India
beautiful park and great food
In the alma mater on the lessons of the English We constantly read depressing stories about jovenes latinoamericanos (young Latinos), who worked on the fabrica grande (large factory), and the weekend went for a walk in parque hermoso (beautiful park). Factories in Villavisensio not observed, because this agricultural region, neither young nor old Latinos, too, because the case was on Thursday, and all worked to the benefit of your favorite Kolombii. And here is a beautiful park attendance. At the sight of photos of the park, Valea border guard said again, his favorite phrase: "Look, there PURE!"
Regular readers have already realized that I love to write nasty things about the Colombian "gastronomy". Do I have a very from harm, and good food in Colombia still is. One that reminds Ukrainian! What there were pots with krovyankoy and bacon, but I did not eat! And ate here this:
And, as usual, "famous in the whole world" and thus a good half of the world not known to Mammon.
's all for today, because I - Lunch break!
In the alma mater on the lessons of the English We constantly read depressing stories about jovenes latinoamericanos (young Latinos), who worked on the fabrica grande (large factory), and the weekend went for a walk in parque hermoso (beautiful park). Factories in Villavisensio not observed, because this agricultural region, neither young nor old Latinos, too, because the case was on Thursday, and all worked to the benefit of your favorite Kolombii. And here is a beautiful park attendance. At the sight of photos of the park, Valea border guard said again, his favorite phrase: "Look, there PURE!"
Regular readers have already realized that I love to write nasty things about the Colombian "gastronomy". Do I have a very from harm, and good food in Colombia still is. One that reminds Ukrainian! What there were pots with krovyankoy and bacon, but I did not eat! And ate here this:
And, as usual, "famous in the whole world" and thus a good half of the world not known to Mammon.
's all for today, because I - Lunch break!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Ceramic Floor Vase In White
orenji_edo @ 2010-11-20T19: 23:00
From time to think today I discovered something very revealing about my personality: my depression should come hand in hand with my existentialist tendency. That would explain why so hard for me to switch with people, I like the solitary meditation and I have another idea extrañay pessimistic world.
could not ie the beginning of this oddity of my character, but in my earliest memories I see 6 or 7 years in a corner of the room thinking kinder vague things he could not give clear because of the narrowness of my child's mind. The first book that I managed to read one was "The Prince" at age 8, this reading marked me deeply, in fact, whenever candid review of your pages gives me a very difficult emotion described.
Then I went to "Siddhartha" in the space between 8 and 10 years. Maybe that was what triggered my character thoughtful, yet not quite understand this book even if you spent a good amount of time. With that history reads strange for a girl, and the fact that the "lucky" owner of a superhuman shyness soon led me to think that my peers were a bunch of bland people with no interest s science.
Throughout my whole life my friendly relations have been migrating from one group to another. When I finally find something else or less stable ... Another
From time to think today I discovered something very revealing about my personality: my depression should come hand in hand with my existentialist tendency. That would explain why so hard for me to switch with people, I like the solitary meditation and I have another idea extrañay pessimistic world.
could not ie the beginning of this oddity of my character, but in my earliest memories I see 6 or 7 years in a corner of the room thinking kinder vague things he could not give clear because of the narrowness of my child's mind. The first book that I managed to read one was "The Prince" at age 8, this reading marked me deeply, in fact, whenever candid review of your pages gives me a very difficult emotion described.
Then I went to "Siddhartha" in the space between 8 and 10 years. Maybe that was what triggered my character thoughtful, yet not quite understand this book even if you spent a good amount of time. With that history reads strange for a girl, and the fact that the "lucky" owner of a superhuman shyness soon led me to think that my peers were a bunch of bland people with no interest s science.
Throughout my whole life my friendly relations have been migrating from one group to another. When I finally find something else or less stable ... Another
Ballroomdresses For Sal
about animals
When we met with the faithful, in the stifling August 2003, I was 36 years old and in romantic resume - a single national. Ukrainian Village area of Chicago is no different from a Ukrainian village in general, and although I "sperdolila" out in a depressed 95-year philistine Chicago-Ukrainian obschestvennot, as it turned out, still wash up my brittle bone disease. In particular, the faithful, for "vuhom" vodka, once said: "Did you know that your Vick previously lived ... with a Columbian? "Blessed insisted that portraits Macaque, and after watching pictures of the album, which did not become a family, suggested: "I understand that this is a fad ... What you just like the exotic ..." I laughed loudly at him. "The sun, exotic - it's you and others Kiev artists and Colombians - a way of life! »
I really always interesting to hear that Columbia - exotic country. "Yes there may be exotic? - I think from a height his 20-year-old Colombian experience. But really, exotic fruits and exotic animals. Fruit will not, I ate them all. And here on "our brothers smaller "seen enough. (You already knew that gerrileros - it's not a beast, and now Colombian beasts - not gerrileros).
Zoo Villavisensio интересен тем, что там только свои, исконно колумбийские виды из родимой саванны и милых сердцу джунглей. Никаких белых медведей, жирафов и верблюдов.
Некоторые grazed since prehistoric times. It is understandable why this arrogant bastard bosses face of idle tottering biped - because his great-great-great-great-great-father seen a live dinosaur.
How cute! So would zatikala!
Ooty-way! Musi-pusi! And what a sweet beybichka!
Well, as without Kotegov and bizyanok? (All, it's time to stop the lisp, and then go beyond the flowers, zakatiki and salads)
In Latin America I am or where?
Andinsky bear, which probably brought in from Chicago because I saw the same here in Lincoln Park Zoo! This is an example of a kind of logic: "А столица Украины, Киев, названа в честь котлет по-киевски?"
"Экзотические" птицы.
Osos peresosos (ленивцы)
Незанимательная морфология: the word "zoo" consists of "zoo" and "park". "Zoo" sort of important, but the "park" long. Zoo Villavisensio simultaneously is a natural park, and next time I will show you achieve the Colombian parkovedeniya. Continuing on the morphology, "show" - this from the words "demon" and "monster"?
When we met with the faithful, in the stifling August 2003, I was 36 years old and in romantic resume - a single national. Ukrainian Village area of Chicago is no different from a Ukrainian village in general, and although I "sperdolila" out in a depressed 95-year philistine Chicago-Ukrainian obschestvennot, as it turned out, still wash up my brittle bone disease. In particular, the faithful, for "vuhom" vodka, once said: "Did you know that your Vick previously lived ... with a Columbian? "Blessed insisted that portraits Macaque, and after watching pictures of the album, which did not become a family, suggested: "I understand that this is a fad ... What you just like the exotic ..." I laughed loudly at him. "The sun, exotic - it's you and others Kiev artists and Colombians - a way of life! »
I really always interesting to hear that Columbia - exotic country. "Yes there may be exotic? - I think from a height his 20-year-old Colombian experience. But really, exotic fruits and exotic animals. Fruit will not, I ate them all. And here on "our brothers smaller "seen enough. (You already knew that gerrileros - it's not a beast, and now Colombian beasts - not gerrileros).
Zoo Villavisensio интересен тем, что там только свои, исконно колумбийские виды из родимой саванны и милых сердцу джунглей. Никаких белых медведей, жирафов и верблюдов.
Некоторые grazed since prehistoric times. It is understandable why this arrogant bastard bosses face of idle tottering biped - because his great-great-great-great-great-father seen a live dinosaur.
How cute! So would zatikala!
Ooty-way! Musi-pusi! And what a sweet beybichka!
Well, as without Kotegov and bizyanok? (All, it's time to stop the lisp, and then go beyond the flowers, zakatiki and salads)
In Latin America I am or where?
Andinsky bear, which probably brought in from Chicago because I saw the same here in Lincoln Park Zoo! This is an example of a kind of logic: "А столица Украины, Киев, названа в честь котлет по-киевски?"
"Экзотические" птицы.
Osos peresosos (ленивцы)
Незанимательная морфология: the word "zoo" consists of "zoo" and "park". "Zoo" sort of important, but the "park" long. Zoo Villavisensio simultaneously is a natural park, and next time I will show you achieve the Colombian parkovedeniya. Continuing on the morphology, "show" - this from the words "demon" and "monster"?
Sunday, November 14, 2010
How Long Does It Take Chlaymadia To Clear Up
About CCC - correctness categorical, beauty
I recently took the veil in the Bosnian ... barbershop, because the day before he subtracted the Internet for an American girl: "Oh, these Eastern Europeans ... they're all professionals ... but was told that it is clear that before ... I like painted itself ... and it looks awful ... that's true ... but why is so straightforward? "So I saw the eyes-popping-zabyvshuyu-buy-antidepressants-go-on-Pilates-young-bad-painted an American-and rough-categorical, unsmiling, but knowing the business bosniek. US-Bosnian pictures made me razulybatsya and urgent appointment with hostesses.
Tall, thin, fashionably trimmed, smelling of tobacco stylists (as I represented!), Unlike their American colleagues, is not bothered by "small talk" and yet caustic paint dripped by the collar, I pondered the flash mob, which has signed a comprehensive gifted girls
rocknrollapsara . "The rules are simple as Rake: You say that you wish to participate, I am coming to you in your profile, select vending interest, and you tell about this interest. And paste one picture in the topic. " Apsara decided that about Colombia in my LJ is not read only ... so many who have not read, but nonetheless, I went to the Balkans.
... I was listening to obscure Bosnian music and even less comprehensible the Bosnian question, but my head was full of confusion. Bregovic, Mitic, Kusturica, Momo Kapor, Pavich, Janissaries, Suleiman Magnificent, Roksolana, heroes of Plevna, stands-on-hill-Alesha, bunkers, the myths of ancient Greece, the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, the chicken-no-bird-Bulgaria-not-abroad, the poor Romanians in galoshes, murder of Ceausescu, the Securitate, Dubrovnik, Tito, taking into Albanian, shlivovits, Ataturk, cheap coats, Russian Natasha.
Neprogressivnoe humanity in the face of my friends said that the Balkans - a farm and game. Neprogressivnoe humanity in the face of American man in the street believes that it is the bulwark of terrorism and the gathering of thugs. Neprogressivnoe humanity in the face of some Soviet women balkanok calls "hard-headed bitch with a clumsy person," and the Balkan "Cancel the males who have a mind blank. But they are known zavistnitsy that and polkas called "the whore with long noses."
I analyzed where is in my best interest appeared Balkans. They proved to be a logical extension of another interest - the "international male. Latina for 40 years is frightening boring. Three calls a day with the question "what do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?" - I can not for the sake of love, returned Colombia with sexually mature! In addition, with its 176, the majority of Latins I look down upon. Ukrainians, Czechs and Poles mnogopyuschi, bruised and brutal, and usually do not last long. Most of them work on "Troc" (truckers) It means that the graph marital status will have to write "the widow of gasoline." Well, who meet the sunset of life (pictures raised her hands in the sunset sky)? Balkan however, usually work "dzhenitorami. In my life there were two dzhenitorov: Croat and Bosniak. I once asked a Croat, you need to apply for a warm (literally) place. "Being a bright personality!" - He replied immediately.
... ... It was a wicked autumn rustled the leaves late, and faithful to Brother stood in the middle of the street and noisy ... bellies were measured.
- Suñado, well, you and ate his belly!
- Look at yourself, shvagro, and still swinging walk!
Meanwhile, runs past "Outstanding individual" with a vacuum cleaner. "Ashamed, about the poor! Look better on Ratomira that fit you in fathers, "- I cried. He was really good: two meters tall, slender, with a noble gray hair, and, as usual, strong-willed Croatian ears and a goddamned obscheyugoslavskimi eyes.
- Maybe woman in 50 years you do not give a pass - as something I tried to make an awkward compliment.
- Incidentally, not only in the 50's, and in the 40's and even in the 30 - offended "Sexy dzhenitor" and came to clean the pipes in the bathroom just another way.
«If beauty is designed to save the world, it can only be masculine beauty of the Balkans" - philosophically I thought, and unfinished yet another interest in LJ.
Let others write a dissertation on the Balkan issue, "and learn about the war, ethnic and religious conflicts genocide, climate, altitude above sea level, cultural heritage and visa laws. For me the most important of all - the human factor. Therefore, the next story I'll write about interesting characters from around the peninsula, through which fresh Europe in general has a right to exist. I know that the last offer subjective and categorical, but polit. I will correct in stories about the USA!
And the most beautiful picture I've ever seen on the Internet (After seals, of course!). Bosnian Mostar, which wanted to get next summer.
wishing pofleshmobit, according to a comment! Want to ask about my other interests, sordid or sublime, just ask!))
If you are interested in this topic, you might also be interested of Poles in Chicago , my Polish Fall and why I love "hot dogs fucking" .
more about the topics you can see posts by tags Albania, Croatia and Slovenia.
I recently took the veil in the Bosnian ... barbershop, because the day before he subtracted the Internet for an American girl: "Oh, these Eastern Europeans ... they're all professionals ... but was told that it is clear that before ... I like painted itself ... and it looks awful ... that's true ... but why is so straightforward? "So I saw the eyes-popping-zabyvshuyu-buy-antidepressants-go-on-Pilates-young-bad-painted an American-and rough-categorical, unsmiling, but knowing the business bosniek. US-Bosnian pictures made me razulybatsya and urgent appointment with hostesses.
Tall, thin, fashionably trimmed, smelling of tobacco stylists (as I represented!), Unlike their American colleagues, is not bothered by "small talk" and yet caustic paint dripped by the collar, I pondered the flash mob, which has signed a comprehensive gifted girls
... I was listening to obscure Bosnian music and even less comprehensible the Bosnian question, but my head was full of confusion. Bregovic, Mitic, Kusturica, Momo Kapor, Pavich, Janissaries, Suleiman Magnificent, Roksolana, heroes of Plevna, stands-on-hill-Alesha, bunkers, the myths of ancient Greece, the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, the chicken-no-bird-Bulgaria-not-abroad, the poor Romanians in galoshes, murder of Ceausescu, the Securitate, Dubrovnik, Tito, taking into Albanian, shlivovits, Ataturk, cheap coats, Russian Natasha.
Neprogressivnoe humanity in the face of my friends said that the Balkans - a farm and game. Neprogressivnoe humanity in the face of American man in the street believes that it is the bulwark of terrorism and the gathering of thugs. Neprogressivnoe humanity in the face of some Soviet women balkanok calls "hard-headed bitch with a clumsy person," and the Balkan "Cancel the males who have a mind blank. But they are known zavistnitsy that and polkas called "the whore with long noses."
I analyzed where is in my best interest appeared Balkans. They proved to be a logical extension of another interest - the "international male. Latina for 40 years is frightening boring. Three calls a day with the question "what do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?" - I can not for the sake of love, returned Colombia with sexually mature! In addition, with its 176, the majority of Latins I look down upon. Ukrainians, Czechs and Poles mnogopyuschi, bruised and brutal, and usually do not last long. Most of them work on "Troc" (truckers) It means that the graph marital status will have to write "the widow of gasoline." Well, who meet the sunset of life (pictures raised her hands in the sunset sky)? Balkan however, usually work "dzhenitorami. In my life there were two dzhenitorov: Croat and Bosniak. I once asked a Croat, you need to apply for a warm (literally) place. "Being a bright personality!" - He replied immediately.
... ... It was a wicked autumn rustled the leaves late, and faithful to Brother stood in the middle of the street and noisy ... bellies were measured.
- Suñado, well, you and ate his belly!
- Look at yourself, shvagro, and still swinging walk!
Meanwhile, runs past "Outstanding individual" with a vacuum cleaner. "Ashamed, about the poor! Look better on Ratomira that fit you in fathers, "- I cried. He was really good: two meters tall, slender, with a noble gray hair, and, as usual, strong-willed Croatian ears and a goddamned obscheyugoslavskimi eyes.
- Maybe woman in 50 years you do not give a pass - as something I tried to make an awkward compliment.
- Incidentally, not only in the 50's, and in the 40's and even in the 30 - offended "Sexy dzhenitor" and came to clean the pipes in the bathroom just another way.
«If beauty is designed to save the world, it can only be masculine beauty of the Balkans" - philosophically I thought, and unfinished yet another interest in LJ.
Let others write a dissertation on the Balkan issue, "and learn about the war, ethnic and religious conflicts genocide, climate, altitude above sea level, cultural heritage and visa laws. For me the most important of all - the human factor. Therefore, the next story I'll write about interesting characters from around the peninsula, through which fresh Europe in general has a right to exist. I know that the last offer subjective and categorical, but polit. I will correct in stories about the USA!
And the most beautiful picture I've ever seen on the Internet (After seals, of course!). Bosnian Mostar, which wanted to get next summer.
wishing pofleshmobit, according to a comment! Want to ask about my other interests, sordid or sublime, just ask!))
If you are interested in this topic, you might also be interested of Poles in Chicago , my Polish Fall and why I love "hot dogs fucking" .
more about the topics you can see posts by tags Albania, Croatia and Slovenia.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Calculation Of A Perpetuity And Inflation
Previous post
miholsko_leto and
islairuchka for their invaluable contribution to the world revolution.
Today is Saturday, and as a partisan - concert on request. On the air - musica llanera! If you prefer pizduhovnyh and as if made on an assembly line of Venezuelan Miss Chegototam and pyshnotelye Venezuela Komsomol you act on your nerves, do not rush to attack the song in his throat. At 2 minutes 30 seconds would be a bonus - a kiss from the Comandante Hugo Chavez. All good weekends and from Monday to fight global imperialism, be prepared!
Today is Saturday, and as a partisan - concert on request. On the air - musica llanera! If you prefer pizduhovnyh and as if made on an assembly line of Venezuelan Miss Chegototam and pyshnotelye Venezuela Komsomol you act on your nerves, do not rush to attack the song in his throat. At 2 minutes 30 seconds would be a bonus - a kiss from the Comandante Hugo Chavez. All good weekends and from Monday to fight global imperialism, be prepared!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Realtime Labor Guide 6
Another: Romeo and Cinderella
My love will not be the tragedy of Juliet
please send me away from here.
and disappear.
Mum and Dad are gone.
remains for eternal journey,
so it's time to dream for adults.
looks like someone has come again.
Tonight How far should arrive? Getting
pleasure of your expression as your small and tender bites of the fruit
saying goodbye this half-hearted tale. Laughing
innocently, probably from ignorance. Wanting
still much to learn.
My real goal and desire is
discover every part of you.
Search of Cinderella.
Do not you love those apples too dark?
But that page is about to be overturned unless we stop
Eventually, my Juliet
But you do not like that name, does it?
is true, are connected,
but would not be so funny if it were so.
Now ... Why do not we have fun a little?
My thoughts are heavy on a prayer in this warm
distant journey.
I wonder if they reach it.
All I see is distorted through my mind. Being
fast, then disappearing ... Up to that point
can get my cries no more?
A small hand
invited me to be closer. Leave
that mysterious land where someone calls you.
blank pages begin to disappear.
No matter how many times we are born, we will disappear.
Anyway, our hands are intertwined.
Is it enough that we
a princess and a prince for tonight?
The bells have rung, Cinderella.
Take off your shoes and run away.
If you do I will not be able to go after you, and nightmares
comenzarána chase. I wonder where
now expects
the girl in that story went away. I pulled away
things like dreams and hope,
and go crying for you.
Would you mind if I make a hole in your heart?
Would you mind if I fulfill all your desires for a lock of your hair?
We ran for many pages, so we need a happy ending.
seems that no longer belong here.
[The conclusion is your own, dear reader].
The negligible story has been placed in a small box instead of the big one.
O-hey! Wait a minute!
If I'm Romeo, this story is a tragedy. Sigh
Blame me and more.
This is what a princess really wants.
not want to be here, everything was really a lie.
Then this wolf has decided to devour.
I'll leave my other things I
now that the prince has been discarded.
This glass slipper is perfect for you.
Let me change that in a comedy,
and now I'm here to rescue (or devour?).
My love will not be the tragedy of Juliet
please send me away from here.
and disappear.
Mum and Dad are gone.
remains for eternal journey,
so it's time to dream for adults.
looks like someone has come again.
Tonight How far should arrive? Getting
pleasure of your expression as your small and tender bites of the fruit
saying goodbye this half-hearted tale. Laughing
innocently, probably from ignorance. Wanting
still much to learn.
My real goal and desire is
discover every part of you.
Search of Cinderella.
Do not you love those apples too dark?
But that page is about to be overturned unless we stop
Eventually, my Juliet
But you do not like that name, does it?
is true, are connected,
but would not be so funny if it were so.
Now ... Why do not we have fun a little?
My thoughts are heavy on a prayer in this warm
distant journey.
I wonder if they reach it.
All I see is distorted through my mind. Being
fast, then disappearing ... Up to that point
can get my cries no more?
A small hand
invited me to be closer. Leave
that mysterious land where someone calls you.
blank pages begin to disappear.
No matter how many times we are born, we will disappear.
Anyway, our hands are intertwined.
Is it enough that we
a princess and a prince for tonight?
The bells have rung, Cinderella.
Take off your shoes and run away.
If you do I will not be able to go after you, and nightmares
comenzarána chase. I wonder where
now expects
the girl in that story went away. I pulled away
things like dreams and hope,
and go crying for you.
Would you mind if I make a hole in your heart?
Would you mind if I fulfill all your desires for a lock of your hair?
We ran for many pages, so we need a happy ending.
seems that no longer belong here.
[The conclusion is your own, dear reader].
The negligible story has been placed in a small box instead of the big one.
O-hey! Wait a minute!
If I'm Romeo, this story is a tragedy. Sigh
Blame me and more.
This is what a princess really wants.
not want to be here, everything was really a lie.
Then this wolf has decided to devour.
I'll leave my other things I
now that the prince has been discarded.
This glass slipper is perfect for you.
Let me change that in a comedy,
and now I'm here to rescue (or devour?).
My Prosthetic Leg Blog
To my bitch \u0026lt;3 Much peace
I can not believe we spent so much time together and never have devoted a few lines ... I have no choice, right? Let me fix this oversight now.
think we met in 2006 ... time has passed. The only person who has paid off in those years of liceo you. Last year I was very happy and dull gray morning with your conversacióny your jokes that only we understood the two.
think that we distance ourselves by imbecility can not remember first year, and secondly not speak for that damn proud ... Well, considering I was not able to resume a friendship as before is quite understandable. The thing is that if we had talked about earlier I would have managed to escape my depression a bit more easily.
We have been through a lot the two ... these discussions in the class of Agnes ... laughter in history class ... Mathematics jobs where I became hysterical ... Management ... so many crazy things and memories.
You are one of the few people who actually saw me as I am, I do not remember if I've been crying, but believe me, did you get the ice crust that looks inside me with your smile, your jokes and your problems that helped you solved with ease.
're the only friend I had at the high school, my sister, my sister and my dear bitch ... I hope not, I know we'll be that way for long. Do you like me?
Thanks for all the times we spent together fucking bitch ... I love you more than the crest and a half infinite (but not lelamente, you know).
I can not believe we spent so much time together and never have devoted a few lines ... I have no choice, right? Let me fix this oversight now.
think we met in 2006 ... time has passed. The only person who has paid off in those years of liceo you. Last year I was very happy and dull gray morning with your conversacióny your jokes that only we understood the two.
think that we distance ourselves by imbecility can not remember first year, and secondly not speak for that damn proud ... Well, considering I was not able to resume a friendship as before is quite understandable. The thing is that if we had talked about earlier I would have managed to escape my depression a bit more easily.
We have been through a lot the two ... these discussions in the class of Agnes ... laughter in history class ... Mathematics jobs where I became hysterical ... Management ... so many crazy things and memories.
You are one of the few people who actually saw me as I am, I do not remember if I've been crying, but believe me, did you get the ice crust that looks inside me with your smile, your jokes and your problems that helped you solved with ease.
're the only friend I had at the high school, my sister, my sister and my dear bitch ... I hope not, I know we'll be that way for long. Do you like me?
Thanks for all the times we spent together fucking bitch ... I love you more than the crest and a half infinite (but not lelamente, you know).
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Shuttering Calculation
so long without deigning to post anything here, I am an absolute fail. Anyway, so long ago that there is no event that I feel rusty, but that has not been the main thing. That PSU
brings me mad, I hate to think that I come over almost ... the problem is that through me the time to make the cosplay fest, as I have to make.
I can think of anything to post, I'm so quiet lately ... I only need my butler and would be perfectly happy. I hope this peace will last long, I got bored of going emo for life. Ah, yes, next week will start as an announcer in Molt radio Chain of Memories, I love this forum, it is so cool ^ ^ I entertain a lot with the users and the chatbox. I began to watch Hearts Pandora and I got love for Panic at the Disco again, this group makes me feel so hyper.
Well, I say goodbye until next Sunday, I have something to write here ^ ^
I want someone like him TT
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