1) A list of 5 things that you can see, without getting up from his desk
Fan, Mexican rug, rubber boots, goggles for swimming (They recently loves to hunt durkiska), English-English dictionary.
2) How are you her hair?
hum ... hum ... sometimes I forget about it at all, and my Egyptian I spread rot colleague: "When you're already sakrana-sharmuta, you will become a real lady?!»
3) What you are wearing?
I knew that I would answer this question. Therefore, alongside in black and pink bicycle shorts, a pink shirt with ruffles and ceremonial spanking.
4) What do you do for a living?
Shoyu reasonable, good, eternal, but reap hilenkie fruit.
5) is your greatest achievement in life so far?
learned to go to bed no later than 23:00.
6) Who do you hug last?
not sure. A kisonku can and should be!
7) your current hobbies, hobby? Download
muscle and spend money for a healthy balanced diet ("I will go again today!"). Да-да-да, я становлюсь тем, кого раньше ненавидела!
8) Что вы съели последним перед заполнением этого опросника?
Читайте, завидуйте! Кукурузные чипсы с острой salsa, two enchiladas with chicken, rice, a handful of silos, which the Mexicans call a salad, margarita and a stack of free coffee liqueur from the owner of the establishment. Because I "Teacher", and all Mexican institutions give me "free Drinks."
9) Contents of the last received SMS-ki.
I never get smsok, I and no cell phone ...
10) Which sites do you always visit?
LJ, youtube, and in a fit of masochism - a forum for Russian Americans.
11) The last thing you purchased?
Two pairs bogEmnyh points.
12) What are you listening?
ChocQuibTown "De donde vengo yo" ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMS4J6Gp6e4 ) Cheverie!
13) What do you think the evening before going to bed? Should
to think about male beauty Bosnian dzhenitora, but I think that once I'm gone ...
14) The last CD, which you bought.
Blessed decided to play in Domostroy and forbade me to buy CD!))), because he - the genius of the Internet search! But I did not listen and bogotinskom airport bought 20 gold Kumba and the collection Colombian hits.
15) What are you currently reading or re-read?
This is the third month of trying to read, as we all know Liz eats, prays and loves (already eaten). The sixth month I spend in the company of Mexican women with big eyes (Angeles Mastretta, "Mujeres de ojos grandes"). But time is only enough for a book of all time: Advanced Grammar in Context.
16) If you could play any musical instrument, what would you choose?
I'm faithful played at all imaginable and unimaginable instruments, and more sings. Enough of the family and the talent!
17) What is your overall health?
briskly snapped joints, corrected false teeth - normalek!
18) What would you now wanted someone to say?
I want to tell the boss: "Rejoice, I won megamillion and fire." I want to say the owner of the house: "Rejoice, I won megamillion and slid into his own mansion. And if the first is unlikely to happen, the second, I hope, quite realistically and without megamilliona.
19) Tell us something about osalivshego you.
I can open my virtual crate, which is chock-full of laudatory adjectives and nouns. I can not remember the lessons of astronomy and write that Ira - sun, moon and stars. But you are far more usefully spend the time, if you read her journal!
20) Osalte the next five.
word osalte " to me is associated with fat. And so the in pyatёrke - beautiful Ukrainian girls
(yes, I discriminate on the basis of nationality, and sho is ?))))
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