I recently took the veil in the Bosnian ... barbershop, because the day before he subtracted the Internet for an American girl: "Oh, these Eastern Europeans ... they're all professionals ... but was told that it is clear that before ... I like painted itself ... and it looks awful ... that's true ... but why is so straightforward? "So I saw the eyes-popping-zabyvshuyu-buy-antidepressants-go-on-Pilates-young-bad-painted an American-and rough-categorical, unsmiling, but knowing the business bosniek. US-Bosnian pictures made me razulybatsya and urgent appointment with hostesses.
Tall, thin, fashionably trimmed, smelling of tobacco stylists (as I represented!), Unlike their American colleagues, is not bothered by "small talk" and yet caustic paint dripped by the collar, I pondered the flash mob, which has signed a comprehensive gifted girls
... I was listening to obscure Bosnian music and even less comprehensible the Bosnian question, but my head was full of confusion. Bregovic, Mitic, Kusturica, Momo Kapor, Pavich, Janissaries, Suleiman Magnificent, Roksolana, heroes of Plevna, stands-on-hill-Alesha, bunkers, the myths of ancient Greece, the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, the chicken-no-bird-Bulgaria-not-abroad, the poor Romanians in galoshes, murder of Ceausescu, the Securitate, Dubrovnik, Tito, taking into Albanian, shlivovits, Ataturk, cheap coats, Russian Natasha.
Neprogressivnoe humanity in the face of my friends said that the Balkans - a farm and game. Neprogressivnoe humanity in the face of American man in the street believes that it is the bulwark of terrorism and the gathering of thugs. Neprogressivnoe humanity in the face of some Soviet women balkanok calls "hard-headed bitch with a clumsy person," and the Balkan "Cancel the males who have a mind blank. But they are known zavistnitsy that and polkas called "the whore with long noses."
I analyzed where is in my best interest appeared Balkans. They proved to be a logical extension of another interest - the "international male. Latina for 40 years is frightening boring. Three calls a day with the question "what do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?" - I can not for the sake of love, returned Colombia with sexually mature! In addition, with its 176, the majority of Latins I look down upon. Ukrainians, Czechs and Poles mnogopyuschi, bruised and brutal, and usually do not last long. Most of them work on "Troc" (truckers) It means that the graph marital status will have to write "the widow of gasoline." Well, who meet the sunset of life (pictures raised her hands in the sunset sky)? Balkan however, usually work "dzhenitorami. In my life there were two dzhenitorov: Croat and Bosniak. I once asked a Croat, you need to apply for a warm (literally) place. "Being a bright personality!" - He replied immediately.
... ... It was a wicked autumn rustled the leaves late, and faithful to Brother stood in the middle of the street and noisy ... bellies were measured.
- Suñado, well, you and ate his belly!
- Look at yourself, shvagro, and still swinging walk!
Meanwhile, runs past "Outstanding individual" with a vacuum cleaner. "Ashamed, about the poor! Look better on Ratomira that fit you in fathers, "- I cried. He was really good: two meters tall, slender, with a noble gray hair, and, as usual, strong-willed Croatian ears and a goddamned obscheyugoslavskimi eyes.
- Maybe woman in 50 years you do not give a pass - as something I tried to make an awkward compliment.
- Incidentally, not only in the 50's, and in the 40's and even in the 30 - offended "Sexy dzhenitor" and came to clean the pipes in the bathroom just another way.
«If beauty is designed to save the world, it can only be masculine beauty of the Balkans" - philosophically I thought, and unfinished yet another interest in LJ.
Let others write a dissertation on the Balkan issue, "and learn about the war, ethnic and religious conflicts genocide, climate, altitude above sea level, cultural heritage and visa laws. For me the most important of all - the human factor. Therefore, the next story I'll write about interesting characters from around the peninsula, through which fresh Europe in general has a right to exist. I know that the last offer subjective and categorical, but polit. I will correct in stories about the USA!
And the most beautiful picture I've ever seen on the Internet (After seals, of course!). Bosnian Mostar, which wanted to get next summer.
wishing pofleshmobit, according to a comment! Want to ask about my other interests, sordid or sublime, just ask!))
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