When we met with the faithful, in the stifling August 2003, I was 36 years old and in romantic resume - a single national. Ukrainian Village area of Chicago is no different from a Ukrainian village in general, and although I "sperdolila" out in a depressed 95-year philistine Chicago-Ukrainian obschestvennot, as it turned out, still wash up my brittle bone disease. In particular, the faithful, for "vuhom" vodka, once said: "Did you know that your Vick previously lived ... with a Columbian? "Blessed insisted that portraits Macaque, and after watching pictures of the album, which did not become a family, suggested: "I understand that this is a fad ... What you just like the exotic ..." I laughed loudly at him. "The sun, exotic - it's you and others Kiev artists and Colombians - a way of life! »
I really always interesting to hear that Columbia - exotic country. "Yes there may be exotic? - I think from a height his 20-year-old Colombian experience. But really, exotic fruits and exotic animals. Fruit will not, I ate them all. And here on "our brothers smaller "seen enough. (You already knew that gerrileros - it's not a beast, and now Colombian beasts - not gerrileros).
Zoo Villavisensio интересен тем, что там только свои, исконно колумбийские виды из родимой саванны и милых сердцу джунглей. Никаких белых медведей, жирафов и верблюдов.
Некоторые grazed since prehistoric times. It is understandable why this arrogant bastard bosses face of idle tottering biped - because his great-great-great-great-great-father seen a live dinosaur.
How cute! So would zatikala!
Ooty-way! Musi-pusi! And what a sweet beybichka!
Well, as without Kotegov and bizyanok? (All, it's time to stop the lisp, and then go beyond the flowers, zakatiki and salads)
In Latin America I am or where?
Andinsky bear, which probably brought in from Chicago because I saw the same here in Lincoln Park Zoo! This is an example of a kind of logic: "А столица Украины, Киев, названа в честь котлет по-киевски?"
"Экзотические" птицы.
Osos peresosos (ленивцы)
Незанимательная морфология: the word "zoo" consists of "zoo" and "park". "Zoo" sort of important, but the "park" long. Zoo Villavisensio simultaneously is a natural park, and next time I will show you achieve the Colombian parkovedeniya. Continuing on the morphology, "show" - this from the words "demon" and "monster"?
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